This is Realy rare one about India history.
Tajmahal in agra . Reflected in in the jumuna river
Crowd watching a performing Bear, India
CRUICKSHANK Road E.S.E Past Municipal Building , Mumbai
Rajah Palace , Tanjore
Delhi Gate
Prayer Time , Court of Jummu Musjit
Drunken dance of eight-armed divintity Shiva, Elephanta india
East Wing rive cave Patna
Entrance of Tomb of Akbar, Sikandarh
IN Punjab
Fount of ablution mosque JAMa
From Clock tower Looking Noth Bombay
Hindu sculpture , Madurai
Head quarters of British agent Mt.abu
Gem lake doing penance-Exposed sun and intense fire - mt.abu
Hindu pride and bride room Bombay
Hindu fakirs on holy men by the Ganges , BanaRas India
Hindu funeral procession , Bystanders and Quaint native shop Agra
Hindu House wife's grinding flour
Hindu Pilgrims bating in scared well of their god vishnu
View in the Famous Piliwar temple
Cows in Calcutta
Weaver in kashmir
Indias of tommorow handsoms school boys in Amristor at the Golden Temple beside the holy tank